Let’s examine cookies as I have just uploaded a recipe for you. So how can we enjoy a cookie?
I am a huge advocate of saying Bismilla or Grace before eating.
Bismila is Bi Esem Allah, in the name of god.
Why say grace? Because it is a mini reminder to set the intention for your meal. A mini meditation practice to stay connected to you. This meal serves a purpose, you hungry, you need energy, you know why you are sitting down to eat.
That’s another tip to better digest. Sit and relax, meals are part of our daily rituals and they need to get the respect they deserve.
You can replace refined and processed food to wholesome. And take your time to notice the changes in your body after that change. Do you feel lighter? More energetic? No energy spikes? If the answers are yes then we are on the right track.
What’s the difference between a sweetened with date oat porridge and sugary cereal? Yes both are sweet, one keeps you full for longer because of all the fiber and the slow release of sugar and the other gives you the crazy sugar rush that if you manage to hold still for a minute you can actually feel your cells hyper up. With time your sensitivity will grow and you will feel difference.
so we want slow release. How to slow release sugar?
Adding fiber, protein, or fat.
When we say fiber, then we are talking grains, beans, vegetables, fruit.
How about protein? plant based sources of protein or animal sources.
Fat? Good sources of fat. Like nut butters, seeds, cold press virgin oils like avocado and olive oil.
How about having the cookie as a treat at the end of your meal instead of first thing in the morning?
I truly believe that today’s health issues are connected to our disconnection to ourselves and the world. So, let’s bring that connection back. Let’s slow down, slowing down holds the key to wholesomeness.