I think it really depends on where your level is on wanting to lose weight. If you really don't know anything on where to start to lose weight Noom could be helpful. But basically, calories in, calories out, and there are many free apps, like Fitness Pal, that can track that for you. They do have some cool or cute daily lessons, but again, with your own research, you can learn that stuff for free. It's a cookie cuter "plan" for everyone. I briefly used it and took down the recipes I liked, and then got rid of it because I can do calories in, calories out myself, and while most of the info is good, some of it I would research or question. Also, from knowing some information now myself, I would say that they put you on a WAY to low calorie count right off the bat, which in some cases, can really not be healthy. I was on 1,200 calories a day on Noom and totally ruined my metabolism. That's just way too low to be putting someone on, especially right off the bat. I would say personally, there are way better methods of losing weight but I've also done my research. But if you want to pay for convenience and have an app that tracks everything for you and has info to help you without having to do your own research then it's good for you.