Has to be carrots. From cakes to roast dinners, not many veg so versatile. Plus they're ORANGE 🥕🥕🥕
Robert Boyer
I would say the humble chickpea! From hummus to falafel, besan and aqua faba the chickpea does it all. It’s full of carbohydrates and is a complete protein with all 9 EAAs. It grows in dry climates where other plants can’t and it’s versatility and nutrition are hard to beat. Plus they’re delicious!
Amanda Jean-Marie
I support the carrots answer, but I offer the butternut squash. Little known fact: most of the stuff sold as canned pumpkin is actually butternut squash because it's less watery and more reliably sweet than pumpkins. It's good roasted and in soups and salads and of course pies. And it doesn't even get the credit for it. All hail the butternut squash!
Eliza G(reen bean)
green beans for sure!!!!!!!!
Melissa Owens
I agree with the squash....but reg squash. No one I know keeps it on hand and kids don't want to eat it but I feel it's because a lot of people don't know how to fix it. Saute it alone in butter and add a tsp of sugar (brown sugar) for the children. Cook it in pan with butter and onion, you can add zucchini. It's many Ways to fix it ask Betty Crocker or Paula Dean.
Stuart Renshaw
Definitely a fan of butternut squash, especially in risotto! And it's also orange :0)🍊
Joi Broadhurst
Brussel sprouts they can be served raw in salads, they can be steamed, sauteed, baked, and put into casseroles.
I would have to say brussel sprouts
Melissa Owens
with squash for kids you can use granulated sugar or light brown sugar
Okra! Rare to find, but so delicious and easy to prepare!
Brussel sprouts for me. Can't make a cake with them but still they are amazing.
The Tomato, so versatile! It doesn't get enough credit for all that it can do