What are some other good diets (besides keto) for weight loss?
I find it hard to handle so much fat intake, is keto really the most effective?
The bottom line of every single diet is being in a calorie deficit. Everything in one way or another forces less calories to be consumed.
Minion cook
I agree with Torinda. Every diet is effective when you are in a calorie deficit. Choose the diet that incorporates well in your lifestyle and food preferences. I am personally a fan of flexible diets like the Mediterranean diet.
Michelle Lilly
Yes! We follow Dr Berg. Better cholesterol and a1c. Fat not enemy. But do healthy keto. We feel great and have lost 100 pounds
Mom C just a mom
A diet that is alkaline and full of fresh vital food. Also the Raw food diet is supposedly amazing at regenerating health. It is a huge change though as there is NO cooking.
Karri Barlow
No diet will work if your thyroid, liver, and adrenals aren't up to it. Check out the fast metabolism diet to get all 3 working together and never worry about losing weight again.