Gina Marie
Biggest limiter for me was my taste buds! They were ruined from all the processed foods including sugar, meat, and dairy products. In the beginning, give yourself grace and use plant based alternative foods to help you transition your taste buds but realize these are expensive and typically not healthy. Try to slowly transition away from your favorite staples and find alternatives over time but again, give yourself grace. Try to stay whole food plant based and not go back and forth, use as much transition time as you need instead of this cold turkey mentality. You will be more successful if you train/teach yourself to like the food you are eating and then stick to it. Try to keep a log or recipe book of absolute favorites so when you want to quit or go back and forth, you can remember food does taste good. Have WFPB options frozen in freezer and snacks handy for when life get busy. Try to find a buddy or someone who can get you started with some go to faves or cooking/prepping tips. Don't go crazy in the beginning with ingredients you have never used, it can be time consuming a waste of money and leave you dissatisfied and hungry. Again stick to what you like, there is always time to be more adventurous in the future. In the end, remember this is a journey and your 'why' will keep you on the path toward a healthier happier you.