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Zoe 🐈
Zoe 🐈

Healthy Indulging Dessert

Does anybody know of healthy mouthwatering dessert recipes that fit this category? I am trying my best to stay healthy but I'm really missing my donuts and chocolate cakes.
M Vukici
M Vukici
I've been blitzing very ripe frozen banana, cacao powder, peanut butter in a high powered mixer and I'm telling you it is delicious. Some times I'll add alittle coconut cream to help the blend smooth out. But good quality cacao and peanut butter will produce the best tasting result.
Eva Carlstrom
frozen strawberries or mangos blended with Greek yogurt is basically ice cream but way more nutritious
These are tasty and taste like dessert.
JumpFitters Dot Com
JumpFitters Dot Com
If you like chocolate, make chocolate Smoothie.