Blue cheese dip and dressing mix

Blue cheese dip and dressing mix nutrition and vitamin info per 100g
Energy | 429 | kcal |
Total Fat | 0 | g |
Carbohydrate Total | 85.70999908447266 | g |
Sugars | 85.70999908447266 | g |
Protein | 0 | g |
Sodium | 0 | mg |
Fiber | 0 | g |
Energy | 429 | kcal |
Total Fat | 0 | g |
Carbohydrate Total | 85.70999908447266 | g |
Sugars | 85.70999908447266 | g |
Protein | 0 | g |
Sodium | 0 | mg |
Fiber | 0 | g |