Can I make poutine with frozen french fries? I want to make poutine but making homemade fries seems like too much of a hustle.
not huge but noticeable :D
Hi Minion cook, sure, you can make poutine with frozen french fries as well, though I would still suggest that you try it out with fresh potatoes sometimes (when time allows) :)
Minion cook
Hey Robert, does it make a huge difference?
Minion cook
Ok, then I need to try it. Do you have any recipe recommendations? :)
yes, ofc, though the recipe is in french, but I believe you can just translate it :) P.S. 50 nuances de poutine is a great community if you want to explore all poutine variants. there is also one english community called So Many Poutines, so you check out that one as well