If I’m in the mood for a hearty beef stew this is my new go-to!
I’ve made it both with, and without carrots and potatoes. I am of the opinion that they really help round out this dish with some texture variation as well as additional flavor.
I recommend adding 1/3 of the vegetables after bringing your pot to a boil. Waiting about 15 minutes to add the remaining 2/3. After an hour and a half be sure and check the doneness of your carrots and potatoes before turning off the heat. Cook time will vary depending on how large you leave your veggies.
My personal mods:
1. 1/2-tsp. Red Pepper Flakes. Add this in at the same time you add paprika for a little spice.
2. Adding Pancetta. I added 5-oz. of pancetta to my cold Dutch oven before turning on the heat. Starting with the low heat to render out as much fat as possible before, adding the butter and turning up the temp to med-high. Make sure you’re fat hot before adding the onion.