I took others advice and didn’t add the full amount of stock. Though it looks quite soupy now immediately off the heat, it does thicken up once cooled. Added tips:
1. Dry Your Chicken - Be sure and pat dry your chicken thoroughly before browning. My first few pieces didn’t brown up as much as desired. Largely due to water.
2. Skin On/Off - I felt leaving the skin on while adding flavor/fond also proved more inconvenient after cooking. As it loses all crispiness created in the first step.
3. Salt Early - This one is tough and has a lot of variables. With the stock I used I should’ve added half a teaspoon when I adding the veggies. Alternatively, you could’ve salted the chicken hours earlier after drying and allow the salt sometime to work its way in.
All in all a nice hearty dish, even if it’s a little bland if the instructions are followed as written.