I did so many things wrong with this recipe and it was still delicious. First, I used oat milk instead of dairy, and I was worried that the proteins wouldn’t work or something. Second, I used salted butter, and probably closer to 5T than the 3 called for (I misremembered the recipe - a tasty mistake). Third, my blender wasn’t big enough for the whole mixture, so I did the milk and eggs with about half the flour, poured half of that mixture into a bowl then added the rest of the flour and poured it into the bowl (I skipped the sugar because I was including my 11m daughter and the salt bc of the salted butter). At that point I realized I could hear the butter sizzling (I had stuck it into the oven in the pan rather than melting it once it came out), so I never really stirred the batter together. Then, based on a different recipe, I added a cup of blueberries to the pan, but only had frozen, not fresh, which obviously cooled things down once I added the batter. At the recommended 15 m mark, it was still liquid-y, so I left it. I should have set a time to see how long it went, but I just turned the oven light on and looked at it every few min. I think it baked close to 40 min. I served it with syrup for my husband and I, and papaya for my daughter. She loves anything with blueberries, so it was a hit all around! We definitely finished it, and my husband and I definitely could have eaten more.