Alterations: I made this in a cast iron skillet instead of a baking dish, melted 1 T of butter in the pan and placed in oven to heat the skillet. Would probably use a smaller skillet without a large handle for ease next time.
I decreased the blueberries to 1.5 c, and I would keep it this way, otherwise would have been an improper ratio.
Decreased sugar to .5 c, used I T dried lemon peel instead of fresh.
Overall: flavor was well balanced, sweet with a bit of tang from the buttermilk and lemon peel. It was a bit thin in this size skillet (12 in) so I would use a smaller baking dish next time as is recommended. Def loved the sugar coating on top. Not a fast bake though, one of those “weekend” breakfasts instead of weekday.
Want to try next time: 1 t baking powder + .25 t baking soda (fluffier?)