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← Replies in Vegan Strawberry Shortcake Popsicles Recipe

Lauren· 11 months ago
They're on the website. Copied them for you here: how to make vegan strawberry shortcake popsicles Soften. Allow the vanilla ice cream and strawberry sorbet to soften at room temperature on the kitchen counter for about 20 minutes. The ice cream should be soft and easy to scoop through, but not melted. Remove the cream filling from the Golden Oreos by scraping the cream off with a butter knife or small offset spatula. Fill the molds by spooning the vanilla ice cream into half of each mold and then the strawberry sorbet into the other half of each mold. Swirl. Using a popsicle stick, swirl the two flavors together evenly, being careful not to mix the flavors fully together. Insert the popsicle sticks through the designated slots. Smooth and remove any excess ice cream from the molds using a small offset spatula or bench scraper. Freeze. Place the popsicle molds in the freezer and allow the ice cream pops to set and solidify for 2-3 hours. Prepare the coating. Make the strawberry shortcake coating by adding the Golden Oreos and the freeze-dried strawberries to a food processor and pulsing until the mixture is fully combined and cookie pieces are pebble-sized. Pour the strawberry shortcake coating onto a flat surface like a plate or cutting board. Remove from the molds. When the ice cream pops are solid to the touch, remove the pops from the freezer and carefully remove them from the molds. Coat the popsicles. Cover the popsicles with the strawberry shortcake coating, one at a time, by lightly pressing each side of the popsicle into the coating. Enjoy immediately or store in a freezer-safe container lined with parchment paper in the freezer.
Vina (Quirky Pineapples)
Vina (Quirky Pineapples)· 10 months ago
Hi, the instructions for mine and most of the recipes provided by bloggers here are on our websites. The link is usually just below the list of ingredients. I hope you have a better experience one you've made the popsicles.