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← Replies in The Best Classic Chili Recipe

Mickie Ehrhardt
Mickie Ehrhardt· 8 months ago
Where are you coming up with Australian chili powder the recipe ingredients call for chili powder?
Bec· 8 months ago
Lol I'm in Australia. I just bought chilli powder. It's ground chilli and hence very hot. Apparently in America chilli powder is some kind of spice blend.
Mickie Ehrhardt
Mickie Ehrhardt· 8 months ago
Okay so you rated the recipe bad because you used chili powder it didn't call for okay I got it
Bec· 8 months ago
I used the chilli powder that was available in my country. Not sure why that's hard to understand.
Bec· 8 months ago
My original comment is intended for any other non-Americans wanting to make the dish. Because they may be like me and have no idea that chilli powder means something different in the US. Maybe the recipe would be nice if I could buy what you guys call "chilli powder" here, but I can't.
Hailey· 8 months ago
But that's not the recipes fault that you used a wrong seasoning, you can still tell people without rating it bad for your mistake.
Bec· 8 months ago
Again, I used chilli powder, which is what the recipe called for. I did not use the wrong ingredient. I'm used to converting ounces to grams, Fahrenheit to Celsius, US cups to metric cups when I follow US recipes. But the fact that chilli powder is not ground chilli was surprising. I rated the recipe negative because it can't be used as written in my country. I will find another more suitable recipe. Or try to work out what the heck goes into a US chill powder blend and make my own.
Niels H
Niels H· 8 months ago
Hi Bec, Don’t mind these haters. I’d like to thank you for your comment or else I would’ve made the same mistake. In Europe chili powder is also ground chili peppers…
Hailey· 7 months ago
But that's not the recipes fault..
Myths Fade· 7 months ago
When you google it, it's call a mexican chilli spice blend and u can get it at Coles and woolies.
Myths Fade· 7 months ago If you wish to make it yourself
Monique Nicholson· 5 months ago
Thanks Bec for your comment,here in South-Africa chilli powder is also just powdered dried chilli, from your comment I also learned today that our chilli powder is not american chilli powder,lol, thats why I never make recipes that call for chilli powder cause its just inedible. Don't understand the nasty comments cause not everybody knows that americans use some kind of chille blend and call it chilli powder