I've made lots of chocolate chip cookies in my time, and these cookies are the winner! I halved the recipe and it worked just fine, the dough itself was tasty and the cookies were even better- soft inside. The cookies also held for multiple days just fine in our fridge. Notes for making this recipe: do not overcook, and do not panic if the dough seems a bit dry- just mix a bit longer. The post with this recipe goes on forever and recommends having an oven thermometer... Really this recipe isn't that hard; I used the recommended temp and cook time directly on my oven, then let them cook a minute longer since they didn't look quite done yet (some were still flattening out). I also didn't do the careful measuring this post calls for and the results were still totally fine. The recipe itself is great and all the extra "how to make it perfect" in the post makes it much more intimidating than it is.