Subbed Dahi (whole milk plain yogurt) for the cream and grated in about 3/4cups of parmigiano reggiano (the real 💩) and mixed it in. Added a little extra red pepper flakes, too. Otherwise I followed the recipe exactly.
Easy, easy recipe… took about an hour total, including all the prep at my own relaxed pace, while BS-ing around a little. If I chop veggies ahead (onion + bell pepper, not garlic) it’ll be pretty dang quick. Note that I prep all my ingredients before I even think to start cooking. I’m not one of those chop-onion-while-sausage-sautés types. Not even a little.
Every bite was flavorful AF. I plan on making it enough in the future that I’ve printed the recipe. I even drew a little heart at the top, so I don’t forget I love it. 😅