Weeelll I'm not sure if this counts like the same receipe, because I didn't need to be gluten free, but without Instructions here, on the Wisk app, I had to go with my gut. Maybe next time I will first enter Gemma's site and give her a tag.
I accidentaly buyied pizza rolls, not puff pastry rolls, so I had sort of a home made pizza, but it was interesting.
1. I've put some salt and pepper in a bit of tomate sauce, and covered the pizza base with this one first.
2. I wisked together the egg, 125 g creme fresche with garden herbs and spicy mustard (I don't like Djion), and spred this upon the pizza.
3. Added some more slices of ham, tomatoes and grated hard cheese and put everything in the oven for 15 minutes then served with kethup without salt or sugar.
I've founded it a bit sweet (I don't know from what) and my husband found it interesting.