Holy guacamole! I love this! OK, so I went overboard on the cilantro, but I also did a few replacements for things I did not have on hand with things I did have on hand.
I didn't have any mustard greens or shrimp paste or red curry paste. Instead, I used green curry paste and yellow curry paste and used some prior diced veggies that I keep on hand for adding to omlets and stir fry's and many other things. It was amazing!
I also used a rice noodle that I had on hand and soaked it in the broth after it was all mixed together and had come to a boil.
I pulled the noodles out when they reached their right texture so that they stayed perfect for serving. I also added the veggies and chicken in and let them simmer on a super low flame for about 30 min so that they soaked up the soup flavor too.