Really delicious. Like the ingredients and instructions just as they are, proportions are right and cook times are spot on. Of all the preparations, I like fried best, like steamed, don't really care for boiled.
Small mods I made that helped:
- I needed 3+ packages of dumpling skins, not 1, but I think that means more about me needing to get better at stuffing them than anything about the recipe.
- After salting the veggies, I didn't add any more to the mixture and I didn't miss it. If I had wanted more, I would put it in or on the sauce.
- Wetting the edge of the wrappers did help them stay shut. Wetting the entire wrapper helped it not stick in the steamer!
In the future, I will probably divide up preparing this recipe from cooking it. It would be easier to put everything together and then freeze and come back to it, than prepping and cooking in one day or over a couple of days; and I will probably make this a weekend rather than a weekday cook in the future.