← Replies in My Mother’s Peasant Bread: The Best Easiest Bread You Will Ever Make Recipe

Kathy Foley· last year
She does say "see note below". I suppose if you've never made bread before, you might want to scroll to the bottom, but I always use active dry yeast, even in recipes that call for instant yeast. Just mix it with warm water and let it sit for a few minutes. I add a just a pinch of sugar if the recipe doesn't call for sugar. Piece of cake (or bread lol).
Kimberly· last year
I know that, but with how glitch the site is it is hard to scroll all the way to almost the bottom only for it to freeze and send it back to the very top of the page. I figured if it was super important it would be with the step... I was wrong. I did make it work and made pull apart rolls with the fail, but it certainly didn't rise like it should have

Kathy Foley· last year
I didn't have that problem. Are you using your phone or PC?
Kimberly· last year