We’re flavor FIENDS in this house and my oh my does this sauce deliver!!
Edits within recipe used+my edits:
-homemade spruce tip vinegar (foraged and aged last spring)
-1.5 inches of lemon peel (pith removed)
-1 cup fresh parsley leaves and stems
-tamari for GF
-three large garlic cloves
-I did need water to thin while blending
The spruce tips and lemon peel really brightened this ultra earthy-tangy-rich sauce. I’ll be roasting acorn squash, making crispy oven roasted smashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, sautéing kale and onion to top with this magical decadence. So many foods are going to be the vehicle for filling my gob with this. 🙏🏼🙌🏼✨ THANK YOU THANK YOU, FRIEND!!
Update: we went through this sauce like it’s water, so I made another batch with the same edits and substituted blood orange juice and peel—absolutely divine. Looking forward to playing around with different citrus.
Slathered this version on a veggie loaded tofu scramble with beans, soyrizo and spinach ✨🤌🏼