Having never tried pork neck anything, I was nervous how this would turn out, but it was delicious! I got a great stock out of it, too, which I plan to use for ramen.
I grilled my neck bones to brown the meat a little first before pressure cooking, and added some veggies I needed to use up to the water to make the stock more flavorful for later use (mainly just leek ends and a couple of cut up carrots.)
I simmered the sauce with a parm rind added in, and added two roasted bell peppers, a couple dried chili peppers, some rosemary and thyme, about 1/2 cup of the stock, and a can of diced tomatoes. You could add or not add whatever you want and I think you’d be happy with the result.
Toward the end of simmering the sauce, I picked the meat, discarded the bones, and mixed the meat back in. I used half the sauce tonight with spaghetti, and froze the rest for another time. That was enough to serve 3 adults and 2 kids.
It wasn’t weird for my kids, either… just a damn good plate of spaghetti. I was afraid they wouldn’t eat it with the pork. This one really surprised me, I love it. Will definitely make again, especially considering how cheap pork necks go for.