← Replies in Easy Same-Day Focaccia Recipe

Lacey (Lace Bakes)· last year
Was it too wet or too dry to stretch over itself? Sounds like it’s probably a flour issue (usually always is!) and how much water your bread flour can absorb, they’re all so different. Did you measure with digital scale, not cups? Was it bread flour, not all purpose?

Daisy Morgan· last year
Neither too wet or too dry. Yes I used a scale. I ended up making it several more times but working the dough more because otherwise it doesn’t develop enough structure to pull over it self :(

Lacey (Lace Bakes)· last year
I’d try a different brand of bread flour! It sounds like maybe the protein level isn’t high enough if not building structure. I’m sorry you’re having trouble with it :( I don’t have experience with the conditions you’re working in so not sure how to advise if those might have impact. Is the final result awful?

Daisy Morgan· last year
It turned out to be my oven! Nah, it tasted great even when it wasn’t right. I’ve since moved and made it in a functioning oven w even better results!