This one is a little difficult to rate. It's not that it's bad- it tasted pretty alright, but it was kind of frustrating. Granted I'm still kind of a novice, so maybe others might have an easier time than I did. For one thing, working with a "defrosted pie crust" was a nightmare. Trying to roll it out and fold it just made it break. I ended up just throwing another pie crust on top and calling it a day. It never says where to use the salt in the instructions, and it wasn't until I was putting everything together that I realized it was meant for sweating the tomatoes, and it was far too late for that, so I had a lot of juice coming out when it was cooking. On the topic of tomatoes, while everything kind of flattened out as it cooked, I was only able to fit two of the four tomatoes in the pie crust. The ingredients say to use four, but the kinds of tomatoes they list wildly differ in size, so it's hard to tell how much they really meant. Finally, as for the thyme, trying to fry it just ended with a pan of burnt leaves. I honestly don't know why it doesn't just say to add it into the gallette itself, which I feel would be easier and less likely to burn, but what do I know. Honestly, a lot of these issues were probably due to my own inexperience, so I don't feel like I can really give it a thumbs down- it did end up tasting good, and my family said they liked it, but if I end up making it again I'll probably not bother with aesthetics at all, start with putting it a pie crust already in a pan, and adding my own tweaks to make it easier on myself. Cause I struggled this time (yes, that pie crust does say "HELP"). And after all, as long as it tastes good who cares how it looks?