100%Anne HyMiso Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies11 ingredients100%Anne HyRavioli with Ricotta, Raw Tomato and Basil5 ingredients100%Anne HyGrilled Eggplant Dressed with Garlicky Walnuts and Lots of Basil8 ingredients100%Anne HyLebanese-Style Eggplant and Chickpea Stew13 ingredients · 40min100%Anne HyPISTACHIO-SPINACH SALAD WITH STRAWBERRY BALSAMIC DRESSING12 ingredients100%Anne HyHummus16 ingredients100%Anne HyBroccoli Ricotta Hazelnut Salad11 ingredients100%Anne HyBROCCOLI AND CAULIFLOWER SALAD WITH CURRIED DRESSING11 ingredients100%Anne HySpinach and toasted orzo with dill and chile yogurt16 ingredients100%Anne HyCLASSIC KIMCHI WITH CHINESE CABBAGE AND RHUBARB19 ingredients100%Anne HyDairy-Free Strawberry- Peach Crisp YOGURT BOWL16 ingredients · 1h100%Anne Hyshaved asparagus salad13 ingredients100%Anne HyAsparagus and Puntarelle Salad with Seared Poached Eggs11 ingredients100%Anne HyChilled cucumber and tahini soup with spicy pumpkin seeds14 ingredients100%Anne HyFENNEL, ONIONS, EGGS7 ingredients100%Anne HyFennel Salad with Spicy Green Olives and Crushed Pistachios11 ingredients100%Anne HyToasted Pearl Couscous with Zucchini and Herbs12 ingredients · 40min100%Anne HyFennel and zucchini salad with preserved lemon dressing15 ingredients · 50min100%Anne HySPINACH AND GOAT CHEESE FRITTATA15 ingredients100%Anne HySpinach + Ricotta Dip, à la Saag Paneer14 ingredients100%Anne HyROASTED ZUCCHINI TACOS WITH CORN AND TOFU26 ingredients100%Anne HyRoasted eggplant with tamarind and cilantro Batinjan bil tamer hindi9 ingredientsSTEAMED TOFU WITH SESAME SPINACH & SOY DAIKON100%Anne HySTEAMED TOFU WITH SESAME SPINACH & SOY DAIKON5 ingredients100%Anne HyROASTED EGGPLANT SALAD WITH RICE NOODLES + GREEN HERB TAHINI16 ingredients100%Anne HyRoasted squash and zucchini with whipped feta and pistachios15 ingredients100%Anne HySavory Barley Porridge with Parmesan and Soy11 ingredients100%Anne HyLebanese-Style Spicy Potatoes with Lemon and Cilantro8 ingredients · 35min100%Anne HyFruit compote with labneh, maple syrup, and olive oil5 ingredients100%Anne HyMORNING GRAIN BOWLS9 ingredients100%Anne HyRHUBARB AND RICOTTA ON TOAST8 ingredients100%Anne Hypanco-parmesan-crusted salmon12 ingredients · 35min100%Anne HySweet Potato and Arugula Salad with Chimichurri Vinaigrette11 ingredients · 35min100%Anne HyPenne with Spinach, Raisins and Toasted Garlic9 ingredients · 30min100%Anne HySUMMER GARDEN GAZPACHO27 ingredients100%Anne HyСырники-тыквенники0 ingredients100%Anne Hysummer melon with cucumber and feta12 ingredients · 20min100%Anne HyLavash-Wrapped Trout8 ingredients100%Anne HyHONEY ROASTED ROOT VEGETABLE SALAD: WITH BLUE CHEESE & SPINACH15 ingredients · 55min100%Anne HyVegetarian “crabmeat”12 ingredientswild rice soup w/tomato, squash + walnut aillade100%Anne Hywild rice soup w/tomato, squash + walnut aillade9 ingredients100%Anne Hyspice salmon krispy rice17 ingredients · 1h 10min100%Anne HyMUSHROOM & WALNUT RAGU19 ingredients100%Anne Hygrilled nectarines with gorgonzola, honey, and hazelnuts7 ingredients100%Anne HyFlourless Sweet Potato Waffles & HOT MAPLE CAULIFLOWER BITES28 ingredients · 1h 5min100%Anne HyBerry bruschetta8 ingredients100%Anne Hyvariations on ricotta pancakes17 ingredients100%Anne Hyspinach salad11 ingredients100%Anne Hyrhubarb and sea bass13 ingredients · 35minNext Page