Love these! I added food colouring, but they still look natural in color. I didn't have the electric pink that she did, so I guess I need to add more of what I have. I added a few drops of good vanilla extract with the egg and don't really regret that decision, I'll do it again.
If using the convection oven setting and reducing the temperature by 25° as is sometimes recommended, you might not need to add time (I did and regretted it). Recipe made 32 using the 1.5 tbsp scoop for me.
Update: found my magic formula - pink and red food colouring, level 2 Tbsp scoops, 325 convection for 10 mins flipping halfway, cool on sheet for 5 mins out of the oven. Makes 26.
Now all I need is a reliable, affordable source of freeze dried strawberries!