South African, money saving points:
What an awesome and versatile recipe and so easy to work with! (Working with receipes for Dyabetic type 2) I improvised a bit on all the ingredients for price and availability.
• Sour cream - substituted with about 2-3 tsp of cream cheese and 4-6 tbp plain yogurt - make to your hearts desire.
• Very large white sweet potatoes (1x = dinner and lunch - if on a carb-conscious eating plan). • • Boil for about 25 minutes, then grill in the oven for about 15 minutes, and they become crispy and caramalised.
• Taco Spice - Cape Herb & Spice Taco, half a pack. (Depending on the spice level wanted, but it can be salty too, so look into adding fresh chilies or cayne pepper for a kick)
• Mince - +/- 600g, definitely drain excess oil and juice before adding "chunky salsa" - enough for 2 adults and a pre-teen for dinner and 2x adults for lunch.
• Chunky Salsa - tomato and onion canned mix (Don't use Boerie relish)
I made a side salsa, with jalapeño and yellow pepper for the freshness. Added a tsp of vinniger and lemon juice. Fresh rocket, and parsley.
Mexican cheese - mozzarella or even a gouda will work, melted on top. A subtle cheese works well, based on the spiciness of the dish.
If salt is needed, use Himalayan pink fine salt. Not as strong as normal iodated salt.