← Replies in Breakfast Bowls Recipe

Karri Barlow· 3 weeks ago
Toast, unless you are trying to get keto. Then no.
Bets· 3 weeks ago
Karri, I am looking for food for gastritis, bloated and heartburn

Karri Barlow· 3 weeks ago
My first go-to would be cayenne. 2 teaspoons in 1/4 cup water. It will cure you in about 1 hour. Take just before bed. But some people cannot handle the idea. Make sure it is cayenne and not just hot pepper! Hot pepper, chili powder, paprika, won't work! They will just hurt.
Second choice would be barley water. 1 cup rinsed pearl barley in 1 qt water. Let sit in a warm, dark place for 12-24 hours, or until it bubbles. Drain off the water. It should be a little milky in color. Add more water to the wet barley and put it back in the warm, dark place. Drink the milky water. It is not alcoholic. It is a high calcium food that is super easy to digest. You can reuse the same barley grains up to 3 times. Then give them to your chickens, or throw them out, they don't have any calcium left in them.
The cayenne works faster and is more permanent, the barley water is more comfortable and takes longer. The cayenne is a 1 dose cure. The barley water will need to be continued for a long time, maybe a year.

Karri Barlow· 3 weeks ago
Hot sauce won't work either. Don't try it.
Bets· 2 weeks ago
Thanks I will try the cayenne

Karri Barlow· 2 weeks ago
I hope you are feeling better today. Be sure to follow a "raw foods" diet for the next 2 weeks. It is ok to have your meat cooked. Cut out all pork, corn, corn products, especially corn syrup of all kinds and sugar, sugar products, for the next month. Except evaporated cane juice can be had or used in small amounts. Eat plenty of raw whole, meaning not juice, fruit. In fact if you could eat nothing but fruit for the next 2 days, that would be very beneficial, but if you can't, just do the best you can.
Bets· 2 weeks ago
Okay I will try the raw foods and fruits

Karri Barlow· 2 weeks ago
Make sure to have plenty of WATER. 3 cups before breakfast, 3 cups before lunch, 3 cups before dinner, and 3 cups before bed. While you don't have to drink quite that much now because you are eating fruit, as you begin to eat vegetables and meat, especially as you transition into normal eating, that much water is the absolute minimum for you to drink daily. May many healthy, happy years be ahead of you!
Bets· 2 weeks ago
That is a lot of water to drink! I will try my best doing it.

Karri Barlow· 2 weeks ago
You may feel a little "slosh"-y for the first 2 or three weeks, but as your body becomes used to it you will begin to feel better and better. 90% of sickness and disease, even chronic diseases, heart diseases especially, come from a short, or long, period of time of being on the edge of dehydration. If you get to the point of feeling thirsty you are already dehydrated enough to lay the foundation of sickness. You need to drink enough WATER that you are never thirsty.

Karri Barlow· 2 weeks ago
1 cup = 8 oz So that is a pint and a half when you wake, a pint and a half before lunch, a pint and a half before dinner, a pint and a half before bed. Does that make it seem more do-able?
Bets· 2 weeks ago
It is fine the 3 cups at a time.
Bets· 2 weeks ago
Hi Karri, I love your gluten-free resepice. Is it possible that I can get a meal plan for your gluten free resepice?

Karri Barlow· 2 weeks ago
Dear Bets,
The eating plan I gave you is not intended to be gluten free. It is simply to help your gut heal by giving it the easiest to be digested food, that would be the easiest for you to obtain. I am assuming you live alone, like about 1/2 the people I know. I am assuming that you don't have someone who would be willing to make the food for you, you being weak from sickness, I tried to take that into consideration. If you have someone, and the money, willing to make a fresh ground, whole grain, non-geneticly engineered, wheat bread with natural yeast, not commercial, store-bought yeast. I would recommend a slice per meal. But the odds of you being able to do it yourself are pretty slim right now. It would probably be more than your new found strength would be able to bear.
That said, always chew your food until it is liquid.
A cup of clear fruit juice is ok with your meals, if for some reason the meal feels dry.
For breakfast have veggie sticks or a green vegetable smoothie. An egg or 2 or 4 would be good, be sure to use the yoke slightly cooked, still runny, or even raw. You don't have to use the white as it is harder to digest, save it for next week. If you can obtain the exact type of bread I already suggested, be sure to have a slice with your breakfast, it will very much help your digestion.
For lunch: a green salad with fish, either trout or salmon, barely cooked through, but not cooked too much or it will be harder to digest. For the dressing use a teaspoon of olive or coconut oil, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and some salt and herbs of your choice. There should not be too much dressing as that will make it harder to digest. Be sure to always have some lemon juice with your oil, it helps with digestion. Also, if you can obtain the exact type of bread I already spoke about, a slice or two, plain or with coconut oil, would be a blessing. A little lemon juice on the fish would help to digest the oil in the fish, otherwise season it to taste.
DO NOT USE MARGARINE EVER! FOR ANY REASON. It will hurt your digestion. (I would have underlined it, but this program wouldn't let me. So I had to use capitals, no offense intended.)
For dinner another salad with a small amount of chicken or beef steak. Once again be sure it is cooked through, but not overcooked. Make sure to use boneless meat and the beef needs to be quite lean. The leaner the better. If you can get some of the bread I mentioned it would really help with digesting these meats.
Fruit is good anytime you need a snack, but don't have it with your meal.

Karri Barlow· 2 weeks ago
A warm herb tea, that is does NOT have green tea, black tea, or oolong tea, would be good any time you want it.

Karri Barlow· 2 weeks ago
I on purpose did not include any sweeteners, all of them, even the healthy ones, would not be a benefit to you right now. Leave them out of your diet for a while.

Karri Barlow· 2 weeks ago
I would recommend a short walk daily. In a park or somewhere with plenty of green plants and sunlight. Start with about 10 minutes. Work up to 30. Also some GENTLE cleaning about the home. Such as wash 1 window, or clean 1 shelf. Do not do too much or you will have a set back.
Bets· 2 weeks ago
Thank you, Karri I do most of the things you mentioned. I love having recipes to cook meals.
Bets· last week
Foods for cholesterol and what do I use instead of butter?

Karri Barlow· last week
When a woman has high cholesterol it means her body doesn't have enough female hormones. So her liver begins making cholesterol so the adrenals, thyroid, sex parts, and other glands can make hormones out of the cholesterol. Are you going through menopause?

Karri Barlow· last week
I am not trying to pry into your personal life, I just Don't want to tell you to eat the wrong thing and then have you be sick-er.
Bets· last week
Karri, I am going to be 81 in May . So, no menopause any more . I just find out that cholesterol affects my eyes. I am on tablets but it is the bad cholesterol that is the highest. Not very high 4 with the tablets.

Karri Barlow· last week
1/4 to 1/2 cup lemon juice in 1 of your water doses per day. It won't be a magic pill, but it will work over a period of time. No less than 1/4 cup lemon juice, but if you can possibly take more do so, up to 1 cup, 1 time per day.

Karri Barlow· last week
DO NOT "replace" butter. Just make sure it is REAL butter, from a real cow. Most of the "cholesterol" in butter is from ingredients that should never be in butter in the first place.

Karri Barlow· last week
You could try coconut oil if you want something more "heart healthy". Just be sure it is cultured, not pressed. Costco has an excellent one that has its medical properties still.
Bets· last week
Thanks, have a lovely evening/morning

Karri Barlow· last week
By-the-way, I don't know if you are aware that females have a monthly cycle, and a 40-ish year cycle. Meaning you are getting close to menstruating again...it's against the law, (if you can imagine!), for a woman in the US to have a child after she is 65 years old! (What do they think they can do about it? I wonder. ) However, in Canada they will pay her to bear. I have a relative who had her last child, in Canada, when she was 92. The Canadian government gave her $10,000.
Bets· last week
That is awesome! Luky or anluky for me, I am a widow and stay In SA