This recipe was a lot harder than I expected and I made a couple of modifications the second time around.
Firstly, I reduced the oil in the scallion mixture the second time making because I found it hard to work with and too heavy. I used Woon Heng’s oil:scallion ratio the second time (1/4 cup of oil for 12) and found that to be much better. I also added salt to the scallion mixture as it needed the seasoning.
The chopping and shaping method is the hardest. I still don’t have it right, but i have a few ideas of how to get closer.
You want to try not to make your rolled out dough too wide. Keep it narrower and after rolling it up, flatten in the up-down (length) direction as much as possible so that when you cut and unravel the dough like spaghetti, you have very long pieces. Then as the recipe says, put those together and twirl and flatten - which is an art to get perfect. You can’t condense the dough too much because then it won’t get as flaky, but you want it to be as flat as possible. I think there’s something in the combine and twirl that I’m missing. It’s extremely impressive how perfect Jorge’s pancakes are. Definitely not an amateur technique.
These are hella tasty even if they don’t turn out perfect. Don’t skip on the white pepper if you can. In my opinion it really makes the dish. Good luck!