I made this almost exactly to the letter. I did double it, and added the recommended nondairy milk to thin a touch at the end of cooking. Served it over brown rice with a dollop of yogurt. I also baked the tofu. I found it to be surprisingly bland, despite the large amount of spices and adding some on at the end (per the recommendation). I used the full amount of all of the spices used (minus the fenugreek leaves). Also, I would highly recommend marinating the tofu for this dish in some sort of basic umami-upping marinade, as it is by far the lowlight of the dish. I eat tofu in other things and don't mind it or even like it, but with this its like biting into a chunk of egg each time. Might be personal preference, but we do love dishes similar like tikka masala, and I would gladly make that over this (same time to cook it anyway).