← Replies in 3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Oatmeal Balls Recipe
agirlnamedraquel· 2 years ago
Interesting, I did not know this! Would it be okay if they were heated in a pan or toasted up first? Thanks for sharing this info!

Shelli Bartlett· 2 years ago
May I ask why? Just curious thanks 🙂
Anna· 2 years ago
Hey guys! Raw dry oats can cause backups and blockages in your intestines causing bloat and indigestion. More importantly though, raw dry oats have a high amount of phytic acid. The acid is known as an antinutrient as it binds to vitamins and minerals and makes them indigestible by our bodies! The best way to break down phytic acid is to soak the oats overnight and then cook them. Instant oats are pre-steamed and then dehydrated so if you still wanted to make this recipe I would use those as opposed to steel cut or rolled oats. I am not sure if toasting would be beneficial or not, definitely something to look into!! I hope this was helpful!!

Megan Lesser· 2 years ago
I understand that raw oats are not gut healthy but rolled oats are steamed and therefore are technically cooked? Not arguing just making sure my understanding is correct here. Since rolled oats are steamed would it not be different than eating raw oats?

Julia Hen· 2 years ago
As someone had already informed, the use of "raw" rolled oats is far different than simply using raw oats. Rolled oats are steamed to be pressed, or rolled, out, and are therefore gut healthy. Raw oats, like you said, aren't cooked.
However, this recipe uses rolled oats, so it can fall under the category of "gut-healthy."
Anna· 2 years ago
Hi Julia. You're correct rolled oats are not raw, they are steamed prior to rolling. The steam is just to soften the oats so they don't not crack when rolled, they is not cooked long enough to reduce the phytic acid found in oats. The steaming of oats does make them safe to eat uncooked UNLESS you are having issues with your gut health and digestion. If you are looking to help heal your gut oats should ideally be soaked overnight/12 hrs iwith an acid like ACV or lemon juice.