← Replies in No Waste Broccoli Stem Soup Recipe

Jenn Serra· 2 years ago
Ruth; We have found nutritional yeast usually in the baking aisles in Michigan at Kroger, Meijer, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods and more. However, we are in the Detroit Metro area. That being said, we also have ordered it from Amazon (https://a.co/d/aXA7SwP) Where are you in Michigan that you have been struggling to find Nutritional Yeast?

Ruth Gosselin· 2 years ago
Jenn Sierra wow thank you I've been looking in the wrong area and yes I'll order it from Amazon I'm in Kalamazoo Michigan

Jenn Serra· 2 years ago
Ah, I LOVE Kalamazoo! It is like a second home to me. (I am in grad school there and did my undergrad there as well.) I was surprised you found miso paste before Nooch. We have to search more for miso paste. Nooch is one of those items that you have to play hide and seek with sometimes. Haha... Trader Joe's by Costco should have it. Actually, Costco may have some. I haven't checked there. We eventually ordered from Amazon due to the good pricing and subscription. Enjoy the cheezy, nutritional goodness!

Ruth Gosselin· 2 years ago
Jenn I have found miso paste at Pacific rim I'm glad you love Kalamazoo I do too but hope that the murder rate drops yeah its getting bad