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Jeffica's Magic Lollie Cake
Jessica Phillips
By Jessica Phillips

Jeffica's Magic Lollie Cake

you can use desiccated coconut for the outside instead of icing sugar.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 01:09:54 GMT

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0 servings

2 packets of malt biscuits
2 packetsmalt biscuits
1 tin condensed milk
1tin condensed milk
Icing sugar
icing sugar
2 packetsEskimo lollies
Large bag Pascalls Marshmallows
2 bagsconfectionary party mix lollies
250g butter


Step 1
Break all biscuits into fine crumbs and add to a large mixing bowl.
Step 2
Chop all lollies into smaller pieces, and marshmallows into halves. Add to large mixing bowl.
Step 3
Melt butter and add condensed milk. Heat in microwave or pot and stir them to combine.
Step 4
Add milk/butter mixture to the large mixing bowl and gently mix until all biscuit crumbs are saturated and lollies are evenly spread throughout.
Step 5
Form the mixture into lollie logs or press into a dish that will fit in the fridge. Use icing sugar to dust the outside/top of the lollie cake and put it in the fridge to set for an hour or 2.
Step 6
Cut into slices and enjoy.


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