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Fresh chestnut mushrooms

Fresh chestnut mushroomsFridge

Fresh chestnut mushrooms nutrition and vitamin info per 100g

Total Fat0.20000000298023224g
Carbohydrate Total1g

341 recipes to cook with Fresh chestnut mushrooms

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Fresh chestnut mushrooms cooking tips

  • Samsung FoodSamsung Food

    If you want to spare time grab pre sliced mushrooms from the store. Better option is to buy them whole because they'll keep for about seven days in the fridge.

  • Samsung FoodSamsung Food

    Don't cover mushrooms with a damp paper towel, it only speeds up their deterioration. Instead, store mushrooms in a partially open zipper-lock bag, which maximizes air circulation without drying out the mushrooms.

  • Samsung FoodSamsung Food

    Golden rule: don't stir mushrooms! Constantly stirring the mushrooms means that they won't have the opportunity to become golden-brown and without proper caramelization they will lose their taste.