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Orange zest

Orange zestFridge

Orange zest nutrition and vitamin info per 100g

Total Fat0.20000000298023224g
Carbohydrate Total25g

1340 recipes to cook with Orange zest

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Orange zest substitutes

Orange zest equivalents and varieties

Orange zest cooking tips

  • Cherry in SpiritCherry in Spirit

    Use the zest to flavor muffins, cakes, or icing.

  • Samsung FoodSamsung Food

    If you are not going to juice the orange that you have just zested, wrap the zested orange in plastic wrap and refrigerate it until ready to use.

  • Samsung FoodSamsung Food

    If you do not own a microplane grater or a citrus zester, you can use a cheese grater instead. Just make sure it has a side with small holes.