By Jono & Jem’s Cooking Adventures
Homemade Prosciutto
Hanging a pork leg to make prosciutto isn't exactly a viable option for everyone, but duck breast prosciutto absolutely is.It's obviously technically not "prosciutto" but it is a delicious kitchen project that results in a delicious cured meat so you can't go wrong there. EQUIPMENT:Container Duck Breast INGREDIENTS: • Duck breast, skin on (moulard or muscovy are ideal) • kosher salt • *optionally you can use aromatics with the cure*Good aromatic choices: • peppercorns of any kind, thyme, ros
Updated at: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 06:46:41 GMT
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Step 1
Trim your duck breast if uneven.
Step 2
Coat the bottom of a container that’s large enough to fit your breast plus a little extra room with ½ inch layer of kosher salt.
Step 3
Add in your aromatic choices if desired.
Step 4
Lay your duck breast in the salt and completely cover the top with salt and your remaining aromatics.
Step 5
Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and let it sit in the fridge for 24 hours.
Step 6
Once it’s darkened in color and is firm to the touch, rinse your breast thoroughly and pat it dry.
Step 7
You can crack black pepper on both sides if you’d like.
Step 8
To dry, wrap your breast in cheesecloth with kitchen twine lengthwise. Tie 3 more strands around in three even intervals along the breast, making sure that it’s tight enough to hold without coming undone.
Step 9
Take a long segment of twine and wrap it around the strand that runs lengthwise with the breast; enough so that it dangles. Use that twine to wrap around an anchor in your fridge.
Step 10
Let your breast hang dry in the fridge for 14-18 days.
Step 11
When your breast is ready, slice it as thinly as possible and serve
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