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4 servings

3chicken thighs
1 teaspoonFrench four-spice powder
or substitute 1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper and a healthy pinch each of ground cloves ginger and ground nutmeg

1 pinchground cardamom

1 pinchground coriander

1 pinchground nutmeg

1 pinchsweet paprika

1 pinchcayenne pepper

2 tablespoonskosher salt

1 tablespoonground white pepper

3 headsgarlic

3 cupsolive oil
0.5 lbscassoulet beans

1 cut lengthwise and 2 diced small

1 sliced lengthwise and 2 diced fine

3 clovesgarlic
peeled but whole

studded with cloves

Bouquet garnish


0.5 lbsbacon
thick cut

0.5white onion
or any kind

Winter squash
diced small

diced small

3andouille sausage

½ cupbread crumbs
or panko

3 Tbsparsley
Step 1
Rub chicken thighs with spices from 4 spice to white pepper and air dry overnight. Confit thighs and garlic heads with olive oil or lard in 350 oven for 1.5 hours. Remove thighs and garlic and strain oil.
Step 2
Soak beans with baking soda overnight. Drain and cooked with 2 inches of water above beans (use more than you might think since you will use it later). Add sliced carrot, celery, onion with cloves, whole garlic, and bouquet garni. Cook for 10 minutes. Add bacon. Cook 20 minutes more. Drain beans and bacon, reserving water. Dispose of aromatics.
Step 3
Preheat oven to 275F.

Step 4
Use some of the confit oil, about 2 tbs, sweat carrots, celery, onion, Turnip, and squash, about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. Add crushed or fresh tomatoes and confit garlic. Cook for a few minutes, until mixture thickens. Add beans and bacon. Using bean broth, cover mixture. Check for salt and add if needed.
Step 5
Put in oven for about 2 hours or until beans soft. Stir every so often. If after 1 1/2 hours, it is still soupy, raise temperature to 350F for 30 to 60 minutes. The dish will thicken further so don't get it too dry.
Step 6
Once cassoulet is sufficiently thickened, remove from oven. Raise temperature to 375F.
Step 7
In a small bowl, combine bread crumbs and parsley with several tablespoons of confit oil. Nestle chicken thighs in cassoulet with only a little skin showing. Cut the sausage into large pieces of you want. Cover top with bread crumb mixture. Return to oven for 30 minutes to brown the crust. Then cook another hour, breaking crust with large spoon several times and wet with broth.
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