By Katya Lyukum
9 steps
This kvass recipe is based on Kvass Bread and homemade rye sourdough starter. I’ve made two batches. Batch 1 was based on Kvass bread extract only. For batch 2, 5.5 quarts of kvass bread extract were mixed with diluted liquid barley malt (1 lb of malt + 4 quarts of water) to ferment. Batch 2 has the most complex flavor profile so far.
This recipe makes 5 quarts of kvass.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 05:32:39 GMT
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Extracting Kvass Bread Flavor
Step 1
The first step is to make a kvass bread extract. In a 6-quart pot, place dry kvass bread and add 2 quarts of boiling water. Cover with lid and let it steep for 2-3 hours.
Step 2
Add cold bottled drinking water (do not use tap water! there are chemicals there that might kill the fermentation process) to almost the top of the pot.
Step 3
Dissolve 60ml rye sourdough starter in 1 cup of kvass extract, stir, and pour it into the pot.
Step 4
Keep at room temperature (72-74F) for about 2 days. It takes 12 hours when the temperature is 86F. At lower temperatures, the fermentation process takes longer.
Step 5
In 12 hours, 72F, the bread will float to the top. Tiny bubbles will cover the surface of kvass.
Step 6
In 24 hours, 72F, your kvass is ready to bottle. Its taste is pleasantly sour, with a delicious aroma.
Step 7
Prepare two pint-sized clean screw-cap or flip-top bottles and funnel. When bottling kvass, make sure the sediment on the bottom of the jar where kvass was fermenting is not disturbed. To carbonate kvass during the next step, conditioning, feed it with agave syrup right before bottling. Add 2-3 small raisins per 1/2 quart of kvass. Seal the bottles.
Step 8
Condition bottled kvass at 45-50F temperature for 3 to 7 days (wine refrigerator is the best).
Step 9
After conditioning, store bottles refrigerated. It is suitable for drinking for the next 2-3 weeks. The longer it is stored, the more tartness it will develop because it's alive. By lowering the temperature, we only slowed down the fermentation. We didn't stop it. Keeping bottles upright helps to clarify kvass.
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