Cold Soybean Noodles | 콩국수 (Kongguksu)
6 steps
I know, I know— ur probs like what? Soy moilk? As a soup? BUT guys u have no idea its SO YUM. Smooth, crisp— you can have it sweet or little salty depending on how u like it No wonder it’s Dad Lee’s favorite!
This recipe is actually a shortcut version of the original, which requires soaking of soy beans (who tf has time for that). But this shortcut recipe is actually quite popular in Korea regardless. I added miso to give the umami a bump.
A tip : after straining you can add some water (up to 1/2 cup) to thin the broth. Sometimes the broth may come out thicker than you want. It should be the consistency of regular soy milk.
Updated at: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 23:56:29 GMT
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1 servings
![- [ ] 1 serving of somen noodles](https://art.whisk.com/image/upload/fl_progressive,h_48,w_48,c_fill,dpr_2.0/v1585034376/custom_upload/88e49495f8280780cf366ea38bc8d274.jpg)
1 servingsomen noodles
![- [ ] 1/3 packet of tofu ](https://art.whisk.com/image/upload/fl_progressive,h_48,w_48,c_fill,dpr_2.0/v1550763199/graph/fooddb/c64dbb9ebc9720cc4ea22088c70d06e3.jpg)
0.33 packettofu
½ Tbssugar
![- [ ] 1/2 tsp of salt (more or less)](https://art.whisk.com/image/upload/fl_progressive,h_48,w_48,c_fill,dpr_2.0/v1550765002/graph/fooddb/eb238db694872ac4ebb19f67029d0f81.jpg)
½ tspsalt
more or less
1 Tbspeanut butter
![- [ ] 1 tsp of miso](https://art.whisk.com/image/upload/fl_progressive,h_48,w_48,c_fill,dpr_2.0/v1568110445/custom_upload/7a16614945af8ea4e9444d8772172191.jpg)
1 tspmiso
![- [ ] 1 cup almond milk](https://art.whisk.com/image/upload/fl_progressive,h_48,w_48,c_fill,dpr_2.0/v1550764901/graph/fooddb/876e5e6fa1ec8160ed1233b7ffc1b0f7.jpg)
1 cupalmond milk
![- [ ] ½ tbs sesame seeds ](https://art.whisk.com/image/upload/fl_progressive,h_48,w_48,c_fill,dpr_2.0/v1550764605/graph/fooddb/c2663aa22c2ee0af0799bbe4c31cb4df.jpg)
½ Tbssesame seeds
![- [ ] 1/8 cup almonds (optional)](https://art.whisk.com/image/upload/fl_progressive,h_48,w_48,c_fill,dpr_2.0/v1550764475/graph/fooddb/d83afabaa7e6434ee38abd73e158593d.jpg)
⅛ cupalmonds
Step 1
1. Cut tomatoes and matchstick cucumber for garnish. Cook noodle according to package directions and rinse in cold water immediately after
Step 2
2. Combine tofu, sugar, salt, peanut butter, miso, almond milk, sesame seeds, and almonds (optional) and blend until all smooth and creamy
Step 3
3. Strain the broth, add water until it is the consistency of soy milk
Step 4
4. Add noodles, top with cucumber and tomato for garnish
Step 5
5. Add sugar and or salt depending on your taste!
Step 6
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