By Laura Marie
The bad breath box
15 steps
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 05:09:21 GMT
Nutrition balance score
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2 servings
Step 1
Start to boil pasta
Step 2
Hard boil 2 eggs (one each) whilst waiting for pasta to boil
Step 3
Prepare cold water and whole eggs in a pan, so that the water is covering about 1 inch higher than the eggs - add a teaspoon of vinegar and .5 teaspoon of salt to stop the eggs from spilling out if they crack and to make them easier to peel
Step 4
Heat the water to a boil and as soon as the water is boiling, turn the heat off. Leave the eggs in the hot water for 10 minutes.
Step 5
Remove the eggs and place them in an ice bath. Leave them in the cold water for about 15 minutes.
Step 6
Whilst you are waiting for the eggs, check the pasta and if cooked enough, drain under a running cold tap to cool the pasta
Step 7
Once the pasta is cool and drained, leave in the sieve to dry
Step 8
After the eggs have had their ice bath, peel them and cut in half to check they're cooked, if they are all good, place them in a snack section of your boxes :)
Step 9
Now drain your tins of tuna and sweetcorn
Step 10
Dice your onion and red pepper - green onions or cerely can also be nice with tuna
Step 11
If your pasta is cool and dry, transfer to a bowl and add tuna, sweetcorn, mayo and salad cream to taste. You can always add some of the onions/peppers if wanted and any other fun veggies.
Step 12
Add the pasta mixture to large main meal sections of boxes
Step 13
In the other large section, add a bed of lettuce, the diced onions and pepper and some sweetcorn. You can add any left over tuna if wanted, or anything else such as cheese or a dressing - this is your small side salad
Step 14
Choose any fruit from the fridge, cut and add into snack sections
Step 15
Snap some peanut brittle and add to last snack sections
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Makes leftovers