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Tabetha Durham
By Tabetha Durham

Cheesey biscuits

1 step
A simple recipe for a stand alone snack or a yummy side dish strait from your air fryer
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 03:59:43 GMT

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Step 1
Line air fryer basket with parchment paper to prevent biscuits from sticking and burning next take one biscuit roll it flat and as round as possible brush egg wash over top of the biscuit and place a small amount of cheese in the center now fold biscuit dough in half over cheese where it forms a small pocket next pinch edges to seal cheese inside then brush top of folded biscuit with egg wash sprinkle with garlic salt or even your favorite seasoning place in air fryer egg wash side up keep enough space between each biscuit so they have space to rise I do 5 at a time cause I use smaller biscuits set air fryer for 330 degree Fahrenheit for between 8 to 10 minutes again I go towards the lower end as my biscuits are smaller once done remove from fryer and sprinkle your favorite seasoning on top while still hot serve while still warm and enjoy