By Zach Louden
Torte with Pot Cheese Filling
This is a cheese torte of great merit. The filling of ground almonds mixed with pot cheese is a very unusual combination-a torte that will melt in your mouth.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 08:45:21 GMT
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Step 1
Combine 1/3 cups flour, sugar, and lemon rind on pastry board. Make a well in center, cut in butter, and add egg yolk. With a table knife blend ingredients together quickly. Work into a smooth, medium-firm dough. If necessary, add more tablespoons of flour until dough no longer sticks to hands and board. Form a ball. Cover with wax paper. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Divide dough almost in half. Place larger part of dough on the re movable bottom of a 9 × 12-inch baking pan, cover with a sheet of wax paper, and roll out, adding 1-1/2 inches all around to form rim. Remove wax paper. Place bottom with dough in outer ring. Pat dough into pan to remove air pockets. Lightly press down rim to even out (will be thicker than bottom). With a fork or toothpick prick rim all around. To form top layer of torte, roll second part of dough between two sheets of wax paper cut to the exact size of bottom of baking pan, using pan as guide. Refrigerate until almost firm.
Step 2
Fill shell with cheese mixture. Remove top sheet of wax paper from refrigerated dough, fold dough gently over back of hand. After carefully removing second sheet of paper, place dough gently over top of cheese mixture, securing lightly against rim or dough directly over cheese filling, and then remove wax paper gently. (If pieces of dough should break off, patch up.) With a pointed knife make four or five small incisions on top of torte. Brush torte with lightly beaten egg white. place Bake on lowest rack in preheated oven (350° F.) for 30 minutes. Remove to center rack for another 40 minutes or until golden brown and torte shrinks from sides of pan. Before serving, sprinkle torte with confectioners' sugar. If you want your torte to look even more attractive, place a paper doily on top, then sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. Remove doily, being careful not to disturb the design. Pot Cheese Filling: Strain pot cheese through a food mill. Add sugar and egg yolks and blend. Fold almonds into mixture. Add well-beaten egg whites and flour. Combine.

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