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By feichang

Cucumber and Wood Ear Sesame Oil Salad

3 steps
Chinese name of dish: 凉拌黄瓜木耳 Please adjust condiment levels according to liking/preference.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 08:02:30 GMT

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Step 1
Cut cucumbers, wood ear, Tofu skin, cilantro and Sereno into bite-size. In boiling water, blanch wood ear and tofu skin for less than 5 mins. Remove contents from heat and let it cool down in cold water. (将黄瓜、木耳、干豆腐或腐竹、小米辣或墨西哥辣椒和香菜切成小段。将干豆腐或腐竹和木耳焯水备用。)
Step 2
Make the sauce: Combine sugar, Chinese vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, Sichuan Pepper, paprika and mushroom powder in a small bowl. Thoroughly mix condiments together. (在空碗中,加入糖,香醋,芝麻油,酱油,蚝油、花椒、辣椒面和菌菇粉。均匀搅拌备用。)
Step 3
Remove wood ear and tofu skin from cool water and remove excess water. Combine prepared cucumbers, wood ear, Serrano and Tofu skin in a large bowl and pour sauce made at step two into the bowl. In a heated skillet, Heat up avocado oil. Add the heated oil in the large bowl, mix all contents together and ready to serve. (将木耳、腐竹皮或干豆腐,从冷水中捞出,并移除多余水分。在大碗中加入切好的黄瓜,木耳、小米辣、腐竹皮或干豆腐和调好的酱汁。热锅将牛油果油加热后加进大碗内,所有食材充分搅拌,均匀后即可。)