Vegan Chocolate Coconut Cream Ice Cream
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0 servings
0.5 canCoconut Condensed Milk
to taste
Coconut Milk
full fat
coconut cream
Coconut Whipping Cream
Cocoa Powder
Step 1
Refrigerate all ingredients for 24 hours; Except, Coconut Condensed Cream & Cocoa Powder. Take COLD coconut whipping cream & 1/2 can coconut condensed milk, and place in electric Mixing bowl. Whip until stiff peaks form. Then add while can of coconut cream to the whipped mixture. Add 2 heaping tablespoons of cocoa powder to the whipped mixture. Freeze. **OR, to make popsicles, add coconut milk by 1/3 can at a time until the consistency of "melted ice cream." Once mixture in thoroughly mixed, FREEZE in popsicle molds.