By Juna
7 steps
Hummus is definitely one of my top favorite dips.
The perfect hummus is smooth & zesty. This Mediterranean dip is named after the humble chickpea, Hummus Bet-hina, perfect bean. I had to venture beyond the chickpea back in the Juna’s Eatery days as organic chickpea was hard to find in the market. My favorite beans: Chickpeas obviously, Borlotti, Cannellini beans & Black beans.
Tip: Chickpeas after sprouting, takes 3hours to cook & soften. Here is a trick to speed it up; when soaking add a teaspoon of organic sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and that would help add more moisture to the chickpeas and plump them up.
Tip: to get a creamy texture, peel the chickpeas or pass through a sift
Updated at: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 14:08:50 GMT
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4 servings

cooked, soaked, sprouted

1lemon juiced


2 clovesconfit garlic


¼ tspcumin

Rock salt
or sea
Yummy Flavors to top
Step 1
wash, soak, sprout & cook your beans
Step 2
dry roast and ground the cumin seeds in a preheated oven for one minute or in a skillet on the stove.
Step 3
bake garlic head, whole, on 175 degrees for 20-30minutes. Or use confit garlic.
Step 4
strain your beans, place in blender, with the rest of the ingredients and pulse, if it feels dry add aquafaba for the blades to move.
Step 5
For the confit: confit in oil of choice, wash and pat dry the garlic and tomatoes. Cover completely in oil in an oven safe dish. Oven heat: 90 to 100.
Step 6
Confit for 60 to 90mins.
Step 7
the oil: this is infused oil, use in salad dressings or dips. Do not recook the oil.
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