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Cherry in Spirit
By Cherry in Spirit

Spiced Xmas Cookies

9 steps
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 05:36:48 GMT

Nutrition balance score

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Step 1
Pre-heath oven on 180 degrees C.
Step 2
Mix flour and butter (or margarine if you prefer).
Step 3
Add all other ingredients and mix until well combined.
Step 4
Create a dough ball and cover it with plastic foil.
Plastic wrapPlastic wrap
Step 5
Keep in fridge for few hours.
Step 6
Roll out the dough. Make sure it's a few millimeters thick.
Rolling pinRolling pin
Step 7
Cut cookies with cookie molds. You can play with your shapes.
Step 8
Bake on parchment paper-covered baking sheet on 180 degrees C for 10 minutes
Parchment paperParchment paper
Baking sheetBaking sheet
Step 9
Keep cookies in a closed box.