By Theo Sot
Truffle Pasta
7 steps
Homemade Truffle Sauce Recipe for any Pasta
Easy recipe takes about 15 minutes.
Comfort food style Pasta you’ll love it!
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 00:20:02 GMT
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4 servings
For the Pasta
For the Truffle Sauce
Step 1

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil over medium-high heat. Add the fettuccine and set a timer for 2 minutes. Reserve 1/2 cup around 200gr of the pasta water.

Tagliarelle Pasta250 gr

Truffle Sauce
Step 2

Place a large saute pan over medium heat, and add the Butter and olive oil.

Step 3
Chop the Truffle very small pieces

Step 4

Add truffle and pepper and cook for 3-4 minutes until golden brown . Add the pasta water.

Step 5

Start adding the half of the Parmesan cheese and whisk.

Step 6

Add the heavy cream and the rest of Parmesan cheese and the tablespoons of pecorino cheese and whisk continuously.
Step 7

When the pasta sauce is thick and creamy Add the pasta slowly and continue whisk gently! Add the salt and it’s ready!
Tagliarelle Pasta250 gr