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By Diane Emigh

The Best Buttermilk-Brined Southern Fried Air Fryer Chicken Recipe

I have modified the original recipe to work in an air fryer. An intensely flavored buttermilk brine tenderizes the chicken while keeping it moist. Adding wet ingredients to the dry flour coating ensures an extra-craggy crust with lots of nooks and crannies. NOTE: The chicken is considered cooked when the internal temperature (using a digital instant-read thermometer, reaches 165° consistently among all of the Chicken pieces.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 06:03:32 GMT

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Step 1
Transfer the coated chicken to the foil-lined dish and repeat the process with remaining chicken. Let the coated chicken rest while you preheat the air fryer to 390 degrees F for 5 minutes.
Step 2
When air fryer is preheated, use an oil mister to lightly coat the bottom of the air fryer basket with oil. Lightly coat both sides of the chicken with oil and transfer them to the preheated air fryer. It's okay if the chicken is touching but the pieces should not overlap. Set the air fryer to 390 degrees F for 25 minutes, see note.
Step 3
Check on the chicken about halfway through the cooking time and spray any dry spots with additional oil.
Step 4
The internal temperature of the fried chicken should read at least 165 degrees F at the end of the cooking.
Step 5
Roast at 390° for approx 40 minutes? The time & temp for this recipe are educated guesses on my (Diane's) part.
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