Sage butter gnocchi
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Step 1
-Prick ~450g (2-3) potatoes (or 1 sweet potato) skins all over and wrap in wet paper towel.
Step 2
-Microwave 7 mins til soft. (Or you can steam/boil and drain them)
Step 3
-Cut in half and scoop out flesh into a bowl, discard skins.
Step 4
-Season with 1/2 tsp salt, +pepper or herbs to taste. Spread out and mash well with a fork. Leave to cool.
Step 5
-Mix in 1 egg, then fold in 1c/~130g 00 flour until just combined.
Step 6
-On a lightly floured bench, gently roll out 2cm thick sausage shapes with 1/4 of the dough at a time.
Step 7
-Cut to size, press lightly with the back of a fork.
Step 8
-Plunge into salted boiling water until they rise to the surface and cook for 1 minute, then gently drain
Step 9
OR: Set in a single layer on a tray to freeze for later.
Step 10
Optional but highly recommended: -Finely dice a butternut pumpkin into 1cm cubes and cook in a lidded pan with S&P, olive oil for 5 min.
Step 11
-Gently stir in 1/2 cup walnuts/pecans and cover, tossing once or twice until the pumpkin is golden and cooked. Set aside.
Step 12
-Heat 2 tbs of butter in the pan until melted.
Step 13
-Add sage leaves and cooked gnocchi until the sage is crispy, the butter is browned and frothy and the gnocchi is golden.
Step 14
-Gently stir through the pumpkin and nuts.
Step 15
-Sprinkle over a generous amount of crumbled blue cheese, some lemon zest and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Step 16
-Enjoy with a delicious glass of crisp, chilled white wine! 🥂😘👌🏻
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