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The Dogfather
By The Dogfather

Nicoise Salad

6 steps
Substantial healthy salad main meal or lunch Can be assembled in advance.
Updated at: Thu, 17 Aug 2023 12:55:26 GMT

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Step 1
Boil new potatoes until soft but still firm, let cool and set aside Slice in half or bite size once cooled. These can be served warm onto the salad.
Step 2
Steam or boil whole green beans for 5mins so they retain bite. Let cool or serve warm onto salad.
Step 3
Create dressing by combining all the ingredients together in an old jar or small bottle. Shake all ingredients together and taste. Add more sugar or vinegar to alter sweetness. Add more Dijon for thickness. Tip. Make extra and reserve for another time, lasts a week in the fridge.
Step 4
Boil the eggs until firm 5 minutes, let cool a little can be served cold. Slightly runny yolk can be delicious but you do need to cut these into quarters to assemble the salad.
Step 5
Begin to assemble the salad in large open dishes. Layer the salad leaves on first, build in the potatoes, place chunks of tuna, olives, tomato, egg and whole green beans in an artistic pile. Top with sliced red onion, lay on the anchovies and crack pepper and sea salt over the top. Dress the salad and serve extra to the table for those that will love your dressing :)
Step 6


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